Odpowiem szybko, dla tych bardziej leniwych, żebyście nie musieli czytać tak długiego i upornego artykułu..
Nie da się.
A dla tych, którzy są ciekawi głębszej filozofii mogą zerknąć okiem na to co poniżej.
Po mojej 3 miesięcznej pracy w Subway Whitianga i kupnie mojego pierwszego w życiu i wspaniałego autka,
After being 10 days in the biggest city in New Zeland I moved to countryside to work and earn money for my next months of travelling.
I was suppose to work in Subway and I remember exactly that I said to myself - "No more gastronomy". Well.. here I am,
For many many many years the biggest dream of mine was to see Aurora Borealis (done - more info in upcoming article soon) and to visit Lord of The rings land. However I was always thinking, that it will stay in my :dream: zone and not become a real thing
Odpowiem szybko, dla tych bardziej leniwych, żebyście nie musieli czytać tak długiego i upornego artykułu..
Nie da się.
A dla tych, którzy są ciekawi głębszej filozofii mogą zerknąć okiem na
Cookie dough:
115g Butter
160g brown sugar
1tea spoon Vanilla extract
1 Egg
230g plain flour
100g chocolate cut in little pieces
Preparation: Melt the butter in a pot,
There are different types of travel - backpacking, all inclusive, group organised, trip with friends/family, spouse trip and even within solo travelling there are different levels of it - budget,
Yesterday I watched a beautiful movie. I usually don't get jarred by romances but in this one the acting was so well played that I fell in love with the