If you look at artists, 90% of them are not happy people. Many of them just have emotional problems because of their high sensitivity. Their works are made in some kind of existential crisis, carrying strong emotions. But isn't that precisely why art is art, because it touches those extreme feelings we carry within us? Isn't that why we find them extraordinary and beautiful because we ourselves don't know how to be so open with our suffering? How easier it is to identify with something that already exists, to listen to the pain of others and combine your own, than to come into the light and be spiritually “naked”; not show your sensitive points. Well you have to be hell crazy to do that in a world where hurtful criticism and judgment is so abundant... That's why you don't find “normal” artists too much xD and if there are any they certainly don't walk out on the screens....
When to distinguish that something is an inspiration and not a copy?
Just separate your life from the other. When you say “wow, I want to be like him,” do you notice that something new has been created? Rather, it's the emotions of envy, jealousy, wanting to have the same thing that they have. Inspiration gives energy to create but in your own special way, brings the power to realise what lies within you so you can show your soul. Even if it manifests through the same channel it will never be the same as others.
Daniel is just opening enrollment for a workshop group in Krakow for creative writing. (link with his contact)
While he has given me many reasons to write my own novel and I've also had my approaches and attempts, I don't think I'm meant to write it (at least not in this moment of my life). But definitely I find myself in writing this blog so I can surely say that some percentage of his impact has merit here. As what I think is that I didn't have to write a book or a novel that his inspiration could work. That's the beauty - inspiration is there to unleash from you what you need and it is happening in an independent format.... There is no "should". There is freedom. That's why it is art.
The workshop with Daniel is not only inspiration itself, but also full knowledge about writing, tips and practical exercises as well as sharing time, ideas and conversations with people different but similar to you. And it's amazing to share such a cool interest as creativity with someone around you.
Yesterday I watched a beautiful movie. I usually don't get jarred by romances but in this one the acting was so well played that I fell in love with the main characters myself. The story carried over from the novella was also heartwarming on a Nicolas Sparks level. Cassie was inspired by her feelings about her fresh “husband” (a transactional deal - purely financial-benefit), who went to Iraq on a mission, and wrote her first original song, opening the way to her concert career.
This got me thinking... how many times we meet people who inspire us. Often we ourselves don't even realise that this is happening. And sometimes intentionally we listen certain people so we can take serious steps, whether out of jealousy or encouragement with the thought “I'll give it a try, maybe I'll succeed too.”
After all, I also made decisions about my first trips based on someone else's story. The first one served as an example, and the second one as a kick to my ego (because if this person can do it, why am I holding back when I'm more capable)....
Not long ago I met a person who strongly carries a lot of inspiration for people - I attended to a workshops about creative writing at my previous corporate job. Daniel, was working full time at this company, raising his infant and also publishing a book in his country - all at the same time. When I talked to him about all sorts of existential and lesser topics, he always left me with plenty of topics to write a novel. Even what I was wearing, for him was worth to describe - that time I wore a necklace with a ring and a Mary as both of these things had their own time and a beautiful individual story that led to others.
It was so inspiring.... And at the same time such a nice feeling that someone noticed something beautiful in this simple thing. It reminded me that, after all, I myself notice little things in others that are unique and worth noticing/spreading... and also my life has amazing and definitely unusual moments which I often devalue unfortunately, as well as myself.
And then I remembered how many examples I got inspiration from - for ideas, for myself, for something new in life ( and it wasn't just the positive ones, because at some point I also had messed up in my head and consumed equally shitty things). And yet how many people I knew were inspired by me - seeing by their lives.
And then I remembered all those people I met, in the small moments of life (some of the names I already forgot, although the feeling is always there as if it was yesterday), and who had that shiny spark in them carrying through the world. Probably they don't even know that they have such an impact on others because it's not some trick they use or a sentence they apply, but rather their attitude towards life itself and their personality - it's WHO THEY ARE that influences others so strongly and gives reflection. And Im not talking about some super motivation or speech or not even their work. On the contrary, some of the clashes left significant discomfort or were related to shame or frustration at that time but the experience itself just gives reflections on self or life and this the source of why I still remember them deep in my soul and admire both their attitude and their mission to the world, if they have one. Although I also feel sad that many of them do not have successful lives....
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