There are different types of travel - backpacking, all inclusive, group organised, trip with friends/family, spouse trip and even within solo travelling there are different levels of it - budget, luxury, weekend getaways, trip of a lifetime, moving abroad, working abroad, business trip and sometimes some crazy people fly abroad for a blind date (not recommended).
I can't debate on all these types here as my experience is poorer. I've never been on an all-inclusive trip and I don't think I would fit into it. But from the perspective of a person who enjoys exploring new places and has been to several “wildernesses” (not only physically), I would like to lighten up a bit on the issue of travel.
Most people deceptively associate travel with something pleasant, relaxed, adventurous and cool. Those who stay at home - envy others who are on the beach or visiting Big Ben. All this happens based on pictures and words they say. But... How many of you thought about real scenarios where rest of the days on that beach were useless due to heavy rain or about freaking cold ocean water that no one swam in it at all? Who wondered about the high price of the entrance ticket to the clock which included 334 steps up and down but also having in mind a knee problem? And is it worth mentioning the vacation where one's experienced the "Pharaoh's curse" with the hotel buffet?
I'm sure you've encountered some crazy drama on your trips, which have turned into no anecdotes or mysteries. So why is travel still associated with such pleasure?
Perhaps it's because travelling is not given to everyone. That some people wait 365 days to go away for just 2 weeks; or perhaps it's the only option where we feel free, without obligations, when we can let loose.
Or maybe it's the only “otherness” in our lives, the only variation from our everyday life that becomes an attraction so big that we live it for rest of the year and mention it to our friends and family, whenever we get the chance.
Each of us has our reasons as much as our stories.
Mine boils down to a total mix and chaos (as someone can assume) - jumping from one place to another, trying all sorts of things, catching on to “just about anything”. That's how you can see it.
I see it, or rather I feel it that I am in tune with myself and follow my gut to find my position in this world. This is crucial for me to survive and I know this from the fact that when I was going in the opposite direction and against myself, such bad things happened for me that it just had to change. And I'm not a person who believes in destiny or any other mystical things, but sometimes I notice this invisible force that brings things to different tracks and I'm grateful to it and to myself that I just happened to buy a ticket for the right train this time.
It's strange to say this now, but after so long I finally have to admit that I have the courage to do it (and you have to have it too!). I have had it since my first solo trip abroad (more on that soon), but I didn't notice it because of the fear which caught all my senses.
But gosh.. what a lesson it was! How many things I've developed in myself... (including depression and addiction to weed xD), a hobby for photography, the ability to save money, embracing life - cooking, official matters (today I'm no longer afraid to call an institution on the phone, even in English but still habitually it catches me with a clench in the stomach).
And what about travelling? Well, it is all great! Every single trip! But there are the more special ones - the ones that are more memorable than ever, because they change you; the ones that discover beauty in you, or the ones through which you discover beauty in others, perhaps falling in love... not just with a person.
But it's not free. And I don't mean in terms of money (everyone knows how much brass costs to “drive yourself slowly”).
But for now, let's focus on the good things that traveling gives.
It definitely enriches reflection on the world and broadens perspectives, tolerance and openness; as long as you travel alone.
Because in a couple or a group there is a completely different dynamic of both one's personality and getting to know the place. You don't see a lot of things, you don't get to know yourself in these new circumstances that lead to development, because the focus goes on the outside and on your companions. While in solo travel you are submerged in your inner self, in how you experience a given moment; you are an observer of life around you instead of being in the center. You don't have to share words with anyone and you shouldn't even - therein lies the richness. You do it for yourself and not to show how “great” your life is. What is the most important here - is what stays with you. You buy an expensive drink to show your friends what a great moment/day you're having or that you can afford it, and 15 minutes later when you've drunk it, you are still you but with less money in your bank account. On the other hand, at sunset, which costs nothing and everyone can see at a specific hour therefore you don't need to notify others about it; there will be an inspiration, reflection or cognition that will enter your world and won't leave until it is realised. Not since today has nature been the best source of inspiration (right next to suffering) for any artist, poet or even simple Frederick from the suburbs.
Yet solo travel is not suitable for everyone, same as note everyone like to watch horror movies or taste olives on pizza. But it is the only thing I feel I live by, while others have gambling, extreme sports, passion, family or challenging work. Me on the other hand, feel the best already when I'm at the airport. Although some things suck the energy out of me (e.g. long car rides or over-planning - but this is due to my own way of thinking which is overthinking), sooner or later there comes a moment of breathing, realisation of where I am, what's behind me and fascination with ordinary being.
But also one has to carry these worse moments and somehow persevere in them, and while I am grateful to myself for what I've been through when it's good, unfortunately it's not enough to find strength in myself when it's bad. And I think you have to be a specific personality right from the start or develop some kind of skills for difficulties during the journey because, many unknowns and challenges in various aspects of life have to be faced, which shapes a strong causality and self-confidence, stimulates determination but also nerves in all dimensions, strains a lot of patience and brings you sometimes/very often to the limits of your endurance and dignity.
It all comes down to our beloved pyramid of needs
1. Physiological (pee, yum yum, zzz..., warmth)
2. Security (physical and emotional)
The rest already fall into the more luxurious ones because you can survive without them (although what a life...).
3. Love and respect
4. Self-realization
5. Spirituality
So, while travelling, every day there is a battle of all these needs and on the precedence of the various at a given time - normally racing like on horses. And if we talk about the different levels of life (not to be confused with the requirements), you can experience very interesting conclusions and insights.
You can go to an exclusive whirlpool toilet in an all-inclusive, or to a hole in the ground when you are in the wilderness. And while you are fortunate to be able to choose in some places, others force you to be humble. But how wonderfully it makes you appreciate the simple things once you get into civilization....
Usually you are not in the habit of thinking or planning how to meet your needs. On the other hand, when traveling, it is both inevitable and most important to think about or check out the place you are going to. Because as I mentioned earlier, life is sometimes unforgiving.
Therefore, it will not be for everyone that they can survive without a shower for a day or two. Not every chick can handle “no toilet” hygiene during period. Let alone sleeping in the wilderness, where you can hear every rustle of a leaf, are woken up by a night storm or people going to the surf at 5 am... and the next day you have to drive for 3 hours and be focused to your maximum because you do not know the road and it's pouring rain, but you have to make it before 4 pm as the last cafeteria with fresh fish close, because you just ran out of food from the supermarket. And of course looking for the cheapest petrol station for that most expensive fuel in the world.... Oh and in some places you can't go out after dusk because you might not come back alive....
So why should anyone complain? After all, traveling is itself fun and a great adventure.
Yes It is.
As is it my choice to walk 18km on a hike among beautiful glades or climb 1800m above sea level, sweat like a pig and tire out my already aching knees just to see the clouds covering the horizon. Instead of lying upside down somewhere in a hotel and watching a TV series. It's my choice to make with all its unpleasantness, but I'm not saying I regret it even when it's hard.
Some things are not and will never be pleasant or satisfying. Because it's obvious that -35 degrees is bloody cold and you can die after 20 minutes of hypothermia when you don't think through the expedition and taking a picture of the aurora becomes impossible through numb fingers. Sure just walking for 4h in full sun to see this unique waterfall different from the other 20 is tiring as hell. And catching all those "shitty" and meaningless jobs in hospitality (where everyone knows it is physically hard), just to earn the basic salary to be able to travel more...
But it nevertheless makes me, as a living being, feel that I am just alive, that my body is functional and my head is embracing. That I am healthy enough to do it, that I can and want to and that I have this choice. And what does another episode of reality show gives me besides a moment of laughter, the stillness of my body and passing time? Maybe it would give something.
But when every day looks the same, how do you know which were your best years? How you supposed to know when you felt the best in your life, what you like about yourself, when was your favourite period of life, where you would like to spend the rest of your days and in what way?
If you don't experience inconveniences, how will you know and feel that what you have in life is good and valuable? And most importantly, what is worth fighting for when you have doubt in life and what gives you strength for the next day?
Such questions are meaningful.
Perhaps in your case, travelling might not allow you to find answers to them. But it's worth looking for and exposing yourself to different things in order to catch what is important one day. Therefore, ask yourself when was the last time you felt gratitude for what you have in life? Because we have been accustomed to having our primitive needs met and no longer need to strive for them. This is our basis that's why the “higher” ones wake up and we have dilemma “what to do to be fulfilled, is there a god, which life direction should I take, what job choose that could give me satisfaction and fulfillment” etc....
Those aspects are also important.
But still... without all those material things, without jobs and people surrounding you, ultimately when you look in the mirror do you know who you are and what matters in your life? Do you know how not to judge another person? Do you know how to survive a day without a phone? Because there is no WiFi in the wilderness and you no longer google what your rash on your back means.
So not everyone can pull it off, not everyone is savvy enough to handle it, and not everyone will figure out what it takes.
But it can be also an escape from other equally difficult things in life, if not more. Sometimes it's easier to assume the scenario that one loves to travel, that's why changes residence frequently, instead of admitting that has a problem with commitment, intimacy, responsibility, closeness, setting boundaries, etc.
Nothing is simple. Or perhaps put another way - many things are simple but not easy. There are things that are heavy, heavier and those that are paralysing. Some are obvious but complex, while others are hidden somewhere where you can't find the core between the weeds that distract you. And then somewhere in this universe is you, trying to figure it all out...
And on top of that, the world and people demand that we mitigate armed conflicts, be a flawless mother of 5 kids, head of a law corporation, fly into space and explore the event horizon. The level of expectation and stress doesn't stop.
While you don't mean anything in this structure anyway, they assign a top-down amount of taxes on the day you are born and the external debt.
What is more... when you finally set in your head and within yourself a proper level of dignity, morality, self-respect and intrinsic value independent of the environment, then the one person close to you, tells a judgemental sentence towards you which demolishes the constructs of centuries, leaving nothing more than a chaos of emotions that we can't embrace anyway because in school, music and art were more far important.
Wow, what a philosopher jumped out of me.
Back to the topic. I will always be an advocate of “living my own way”, whatever that means to you, as long as it makes you happy and with good-enough life conditions.
Just as I didn't accept a "safe and stable" job, offered by family member, because it wasn't in my field of interest, I can't say that everyone should start traveling because it's developing. Everyone knows themselves best, and if they don't yet, well... that's why I recommend trying a solo trip few times - it's good to start somewhere close and slowly increase the distances. And don't get discouraged with the first time! because something will always go against the plan or be uncomfortable at times but thats the way you gonna discover yourself.
Remember that the wealth of experience you gain while being alone with yourself on a trip, will bring you an extremely important life lesson about your own attitude. And this one will accompany you FOREVER.
Once I heard a parable that I won't find nor quote exactly but the punchline was that:
“The moment you call a beautiful thing - beautiful, and dress it up in words, you have already diminished its true value and lost sight of it.”
I think this is an extraordinary representation of what happens on the journey with oneself, because just as beauty cannot be named or classified under any concept or definition, one's inner experiences cannot be shown.
Some things simply and only belong to the world of feelings.
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